Online Services
From the latest in internet security to user-friendly online service options, Towne & Country makes it simple for community members to get things done quickly and easily, while also knowing that their personal information is secure.
Contact us to discuss which options are appropriate for your community.
Community Website
- Multi-featured website hosted by AtHomeNet (exclusive domain name optional)
- Resident access to Association legal documents, open meeting minutes, rules and regulations, and calendars
- Separate, restricted access for Community Board Members (i.e., a Board Portal)
- Unit owners’ capability to view 12 months of account history
- A link to make payments online, through a third-party vendor (coming soon)
- Unit owners’ ability to submit online work order requests
- Multiple communication methods, including blast emails or text messages, and reverse-911 service (optional)
Property Management Software
- Integration between the software and the website, enabling information entered on one to be updated on the other
- Management reports for Board detailing status of work orders, violations, architectural modification requests and security incident reports
- Tracking of assignables, such as parking spaces, pool passes, etc.
- Tracking of tenants and leases
- Permanent filing system for all issues relating to a unit, including after change of ownership
- Contact information for owners and vendors, made available to select Board members on any internet-enabled device
- Integration between accounting software and website, so that charges and collections for each unit are uploaded nightly, to the website, enabling a display 12 months of account history
Digital Security : Internet and Data
T&C employs a state-of-the-art information systems (IS) architecture, with security and redundancy at its core.
T&C has invested in new IS infrastructure, to include Cisco ASA (Adaptive Security Appliance) firewalls to protect internal client data from being accessed by unauthorized users, new VMWare hosts that allow for unparalleled flexibility and redundancy of critical systems, and a new backup solution that enables quick, on-site, recovery of data, with an off-site disaster recovery strategy to guard against catastrophic events and site failures.
Because of the sensitivity of client data in email, T&C also moved to a self-hosted solution, enabling all historical data is stored centrally, while using new data encryption methods to send and receive email over the internet securely.
Additionally, these systems have dedicated power, enterprise class battery backup, and are housed in a secure location to prevent unauthorized physical access.